Monday, January 18, 2010

This blog has changed

So this blog is completely different than when it first started, I mean I just used to post random useless crap about things I found online that made me laugh. Now I post random useless crap about myself that no one reads (not really since I started these random postings my site views have gone up and from different places, go figure).

So to keep the tradition of updating everyone of my so called interesting life, a girl threw a plate at my head and that was the last time I talked to and saw her, the sale of the Minido falls photo fell through because the woman wanted me to put a $200-250 frame on a photo she only wanted to pay $200 for (I'm beginning to think the world is running out of sane people), and I sort of kinda quit my local paper photographer gig. Do I have to write an official letter of resignation when you tell your so called boss to kiss your ass and find a different idiot photographer? I do have something else lined up to take photos of local bands at one of the biggest local band concerts in the world...hint hint figure out what that could be.

Also I'm taking the photography more seriously and my style has improved, I'm not sure if I like nature photography or urban/architecture photography more, it's a toss up. But I do enjoy the weekend getaways to take pictures around Michigan, it really is a beautiful state the entire year. Where else can you find everything you find in this state, I can go to the same place in different times of the year and get completely different shots. Now I just need to find more buyers for my photos, so I'm having my first faux-exhibit at the library in February. My boss wants me to use the photos from my last trip up north, I have to come up for a name of my exhibit and any help is greatly appreciated. Well that's it for now, I'm off to go drive around Detroit to figure out what to take photos of, but first I need SBC to finish fixing my damn internet.


Raph Greg said...

your blog is not useless.

Raph Greg said...

it's awesome i love it because you are sincere on what you feel.