Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I was told to blog...

...why do people tell me to blog? I don't have much to say, so lets have a recap; School-still boring
Work-I'm finally a librarian
School- did I mention school is still boring?
Paczki Day- Drinking and fun
Blowout Day 1 - Hasselhoffed Eric, Drinking and sort of fun
Day 2 - Didn't go, saw a blue floppy penis
Day 3 - Drinking and fun, threatened, had an awkward conversation and many drinks.

Yes I was threatened, if you f*ck this up, you f*ck with me...Now go get us shots. Nice, thank you. School is getting ridiculous, I am beginning to think that this program is intended for the slightly mentally challenged wanna-be librarians. I had to go talk to my adviser, told him about my class I was going to take he tells me I'll be bored for the first six weeks of the 14 week class, and already know 80% of the class...what? Can I only pay for the 20% I don't know? Interesting email from my teacher telling me I can skip class, because she doesn't have much to talk about and would be pointless to come, thank you! Monotone teacher is still monotone, and is getting stranger each class, I honestly believed she stopped caring 20 years ago, but now I'm not sure if she ever cared about teaching. So...I'm really running out of ideas, I am getting bored seeing the same re posts online, so I blog less. I have no idea if I will blog more consistently or just give up on this site, its been getting less and less traffic, and I am getting bored with it. We'll see, so this might or might not be my last post; tell me what I should do, because I really need advice, or a reason to try to blog.

1 comment:

Joyce said...

well im sure the lack of visits is due to the lack of posting. You even mentioned that you got more visits if you posted more!!! There is also a strong correlation with you and meeting a certain someone to the lack of posting. I'm no scientist (I don't watch shark week!!!) but thats my hypothesis, or is it because you don't post are your "fake" job?