Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blowout was awesome

I somehow survived this year's onslaught known as the blowout. Yes I did close out the bars every night, even though I worked 2 out of the 3 mornings of the blowout. It was an interesting series of events. The music was actually pretty good, hey I will blame the sound at the Gates for that one band, and then there was the unexpected, odd, holy hell am I doing drugs band known as Spaceband, imagine some 50-60 year olds who more than likely still live in their parents' basements wearing painters jumpsuits, beehive suits, a 1960s McDonald's uniform with werewolf mask, some sort of horned creature drummer and a wizard robe wearing triceratops mask lead singer, who also plays a mean fisher price saxophone. Best part of that band was that they actually sounded decent.

Then came work on Saturday morning, and holy hell I felt fine, to the annoyance of some and a surprise to others to see as they put it my "chipper mood." Story time had one of the funniest moments I've experienced in quite some time when the seven year old was asked what he wanted to wish for for his birthday and he said "I want to win the lottery," priceless!

Saturday after work I said I would take a nap, nope didn't happen and this was the last night of the blowout time to go full speed party mode on. Note to everyone if you challenge me in almost anything I will take the challenge no matter how stupid it may sound. If you challenge me to a beer drinking race I will finish my PBR in under 10 seconds (also this is a new challenge for the Olympics Bar Crawl, beer chugging) yes it will make my eyes water but I shall not lose a challenge. One problem I've noticed about knowing people at a bar before your friends show up is you can be 7-9 beers in before your group actually shows up, no more stopping by early for one drink for me. This also was the case on Monday when I stopped by for one drink at a Mexicantown bar and within 20 minutes had 2 people buy me another beer, it would have been three but this time I actually had the time to say no. Back to Blowout, apparently I also like to carry around and try to move signs.

But this is leading up to one of the best and most interesting parts of the Blowout, the unknown Detroit Marching band, which were awesome.

And yes she did play with the beer can on the drum.

Their next appearance is supposedly crashing the St. Patty's Day parade, I will be bringing my real camera to that one.

The night ended with some craziness at the Whiskey but not before some chair moving hi jinks to park at the Gates, thank you for driving Kasia.  So who's up for next year?

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