Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm still here and doing great!

Not much really to say just updating for the sake of updating and letting the few of you that read this something new.  So I've been having a fantastic time recently and you know what, that's not going to change anytime soon, maybe around sometime later (some of you know what that means).  I've been working my ass off but it has been fun and rewarding, I've been taking some pretty cool shots, and I'm even volunteering to help run a festival.  Damn I'm not going to have much time this summer, and I'm going to New Orleans for free in July, damn how cool is that?

Just to keep this idiotic thought train going, I totally cannot party like a rockstar for long anymore, 2 nights in a row staying out till 3AM is not much fun unless you keep it going, no rest for the wicked.  If you decide to try and make it up you get screwed.  Well that's all for now, and remember go out and have fun!  Hit me up if you want to have a fun time out here, I can take you to a lot of places.

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