Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Photography=Fun, Selling Photos !=Fun

So my photos are going up in a store in Royal Oak in about a week or so, and you know what I'm realizing I don't like selling the stuff.  It's a pain in the ass with printing and framing and trying to make some money. So the store is on Washington Ave. by Lilli's seafood, and if they finish the upstairs, or if they open the upstairs they're thinking of having me exhibit my photos, but for now there's going to be 5-6 of my framed 8x10s available for sale, all for the low low price of $80.  If you read this blog and like some of my photos email me for pricing. Now back to why it sucks, so there's like 8 different printing options that I can choose from I love the metallic printing I've tried but the store owner doesn't, no biggie right oh well. Framing is a pain in the ass and sucks trying to suit peoples needs, also custom framers are kind of dicks when it comes to pricing, but that's maybe for a different post.  I'm backed up with photos that I still need to go through and not quite sure when, and unlike last year at this time I'm realizing how important sleep can  be.  Alright enough about updating about me, back to work on photos.

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