Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Come together right now

About time things finally started to come together.  So this whole photo thing is finally taking off, finally.  Selling photos, working on an exhibit, and there's a store/gallery that wants to put my stuff up and sell them.  Good for me, now comes my biggest headache: pricing.  There are 3 different pricing schemes: friends, strangers, and galleries. The cheapest is for friends, I barely make anything from this, for strangers I make a decent profit, for galleries you get ripped off, but they take a decent cut out of every sale so photos need to cost more.  I'm almost at 32,000 views on Flickr and I'm getting more and more complements for my photos, now who's got an upcoming event that isn't really important and wants photos taken?  I need more work with objects that run away or move.  But I'm feeling good about this. Now to keep trying to figure out pricing.  Well enough of that time to go watch mindless explosions and go see Iron Man 2.


Eric said...

I've got a baby that runs away and moves. Does that work?

kmaz said...

He's coming up north right? Then expect some Riley shots (and by shots I mean photos, I'm not insane)!