Monday, October 25, 2010

Life is hectic, but some of that is my own doing.

Ahh the eternal struggle of having fun vs. working, and I need to find the proper balance between the two.  I've become friends with bar owners, which until you hang out with them you don't realize have no sense of time; to them the night starts at about 1-2 in the morning not winds down.  You can't continuously keep doing that when you have a 9-5 job and it not take a toll on you. I have been able to finish everything at work and still do more than I'm asked or should, I help out in my community via festivals, parties, community gardens, help friends with various tasks and what nots, and I still have fun on my own.  But what is this doing to me?

Can I really sleep 4 hours a night and keep going? Can I do this for 13 days in a row (my version of 13 days is so much less dramatic)? I had to take a break recently, not because my body was telling me to but my better sense was. I turned down a pass for free beer at a beer festival and for those that know me, know that is no small task.  I have ignored calls texts and messages after a certain time of day, this is less effective when it is a friend calling.  But what I was doing before really had no toll on my body and I did not suffer any job performance issues and no one even seemed to notice that I was lagging.  So seriously how long can one person go before it all catches up to them.

There are things I want to do, I'm angry that I started sailing so late in the sailing season, but that's only one thing. I've been too busy to pursue a passion of mine in photography and have been to busy with one of the side projects where I screwed up being able to sell certain photos at a store, when I yelled at the owner, oops.  But hopefully it all works out at the end, but right now I'm ending it because the guy in the coffee shop asking his ex why she dumped him is annoying me right now. So that's all for now.

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