Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I might go out too much, or I need a better memory

So either my reputation precedes me or I have the worst memory of anyone I know.  I see a nice looking lady that I have absolutely no recollection of whatsoever, so I go and try to start a conversation, apparently this is the awkward moment where she knows who I am, we've talked before, and I do not remember a single second of it. At a local drinking establishment a friend wants to introduce me to a blond lady, I say whatever, she comes over he introduces me and she knows me.  How she knows me I'm not sure, but she knows my name, where I went to school and what I do for a living, all things that I do not know about her.  Also I would like to take this opportunity to ask my friends to stop calling me a slut, hell my sister has referred to me as that before and this is just odd.

I'm not sure what I can do about this, when I thought I went out too much I put myself on self-imposed sanctions to stay in more, I broke my own sanctions the same night.  But that was a fun night and well worth breaking my own rules. So I have decided to just keep rolling with the punches and embarrassment of not remembering people, it's what I'm good at. But at least I'm using my own name now.

1 comment:

ninasakura499 said...

LoL.. ya gotta have better memory :)