Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Did you really need a study for that?

Research conducted at the University of Kentucky in Lexington found that when Fayette County high schools delayed their start time by an hour, the percentage of students getting at least eight hours of sleep per night jumped from 35.7 to 50 percent.

Read about the research here.

Amazing, if you start school an hour later, kids get more sleep. Thank you, University of Kentucky, you have just won the NO Shit Sherlock award. They also say, "Students have the most difficulty staying awake and functioning during early morning classes." Again did you really need to research this, you couldn't just go kids don't sleep, mornings suck, maybe the morning classes will suck too? I used to fall asleep in my high school Accounting class, and the teacher would just walk up to my desk, and keep tapping on it until I woke up. But if it was an hour later, I would keep falling asleep in class, no helping that.

And on a completely different side note, check out awesome old christmas ads at the unfabulouz blog.

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