Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Two days without posting

No there is nothing wrong with me, and yes I am fine I just didn't want to drink this weekend. But it has been two days since I have posted completely useless information or videos/pics or links to things that just make no sense. I was debating whether or not to post a link to a video that disturbed me, but I have decided to just put up a description of what happens:
A guy sits on a glass jar, forcing it into his anus. Jar breaks. Guy fishes out pieces of it while bleeding on the floor.
Why the hell did I watch the whole video? Why am I writing about it? Well because one of you will go and search for the video and will hate me.

And now for more WTF links/videos:

This one is actually funny, and one reason why I will not watch/read Twilight, he sparkles:

Next link is why you should always carefully read the instrucitons when experimenting with new kinky ways to spice up your sex life, the Customer review is hilarious.

Update for the party, so I ordered a case of Tyskie, have 6 of the 7 drinks for the seven deadly sins, if you thought I was joking about everyone doing a shot of one boy are you wrong. I don't care that we made up the shot during a Whiskey in the Jar buzz, I still remembered the damn thing, went out and bought the stuff, and EVERYONE WILL TRY IT! Hey it might even be bettter than Sambucca, but that's not saying much. But here is a fun list of things we can do at the party.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Beer Pong (or Beirut or whatever the fuck you want to call it) Champ here! I'm always up for schooling you guys in that game. Jen can be my partner again and we wreck all!