Friday, January 28, 2011

The ultimate plan for a career change?

Apparently this is my annual rant about whether or not I enjoy what I do for a living.

I am a librarian, and yes that does include all the glitz and glamor that you imagine.  I am a keeper of information, I can find information more efficiently than most.  I also hear many interesting questions and see many interesting things. And I do this all for a very very low price, FREE!  If you are looking to go into librarianship it is a very rewarding profession, you actually can see yourself making a difference in your community and in others.  (Personal opinion: do not become a librarian if you do not like reading, books, or helping others.)  Also do not think you are doing this for huge amounts of money either, it is a job that is low pay and high rewards.  I enjoy what I do, yet I want more.After working in a library for many years many tasks become mundane.

I have had a few talks with people about this, for some reason I'm looked upon as an heir apparent to the so-called throne where I work.  People want me to take over and to leave a lasting legacy.  I'm currently working on leaving a lasting legacy, but not so much to enjoy in my years of employment, but more so as a parting gift for my departure.  It will be my swan song for librarianship, I have put it upon myself to finish a project that has been in the works for years, and yet not much of anything has been done with it.  I truly enjoy what I do, don't mistake this as a talk about how my work sucks, but I need a change, I need to get away, and I think I've found my way to do just that.

Although if I ultimately decide to do what I want it will also be one of the most difficult decisions I'll have to make.  I've become more involved in my community, and in other organizations, I've made lifelong friends, and people that I now consider family.  How will I just be able to uproot and move every few years for a job? The job I'm looking at requires constant travel and moving, I won't be able to plant roots anywhere for long.  Yet I somehow find this idea intriguing, I can see the world and still do good things, and as an added bonus with a much bigger increase in income.  (I'm not doing this for the money, that's a bonus.)  I have spoken to my director about this and this is the first time that even she thinks that I would enjoy that change and fully supports my decision if I make it.  This is from the person who would not accept my resignation, at the time I found that odd, and now I thank her for that.

So now leads the time in life where I have to figure out what I really want to do; do I stay on the course I'm on, or do I decide that a drastic change in my life is necessary?  I've brought this up to a few close friends and the reactions have varied, but ultimately it's my decision to make.  Now I'm left in a state of limbo, and this limbo will last for at least another 2-3 years.  How does one leave a job they love and people he cares for? Can I actually go through with it? With which choice will I have the most impact on others?  Would I be considered a quitter on my community if I left for another opportunity? These are all the questions I'm struggling with already, I can't wait to see what it will be like if/when I actually try to change careers.

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