Tuesday, February 12, 2008

One Day I'll get this right

So I need to figure out how to consistently post stuff, I go from posting a bunch of stuff in like 1 or 2 days to nothing and on a binge again. (I wonder if anyone can tell when I'm actually busy at work or not) So I found someone with more time on their hands than me (at least when posting).
The man with ridiculously way too much time on his hand has photos of Spiderman reviewing all 96 crayons in a Crayola Crayon Box. When you too are ridiculously bored after your 10th hour at work this might be funny to you too. So stop Judging me damnit, and read like the first page or two and sort of skim the rest like you know you were going to anyway. Have fun here's the link.

1 comment:

Eric said...

I want 5 minutes of my life back.