Monday, February 11, 2008

This is only one reason the U.S. is getting poorer

It costs the U.S. Mint $258 million to make $140 million worth of pennies and nickels. Thats right thats a $118 million deficit to make the penny and nickel. Who else thinks that theres a problem with this. They say the material cost has gone up, uhhhm isn't there a cheaper metal we can make coins out of, where you know it might actually be cost effective. I know that the U.S. is a large government and all but this is just wrong. Damn can't we even get rid of the penny, well no because it costs more to make nickels. Who approves this stuff and why? At some point wouldn't you realize that this just doesn't work with the current system, or is it me and my damn finance logic that sees a negative value and either wants to reinvent the system or scrap it.

See/Read the story/clip here.

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