Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Political Rant

I have decided that I will go along with the crowd, and like many Americans will believe what I hear or Read on the Internet/TV. I love it, people will vote based on emotion rather than logic, people will react in different ways based on something they read, written by a person who doesn't care what the hell happens or is being payed to write what they say. People believe candidates who say they have experience in office and have only been an elected official for seven years. But no the 35 years of experience that a certain candidate claims she has dates back to her college years, and I'm sorry but you're not gaining presidential experience in college (exception current President, for him it just didn't matter). The problem is she discredits another candidates experience of being the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, Sorry double-standard here counts for one and not the other.
The main problem I have with the whole experience campaign is she is trying to destroy one candidates credentials but is in turn destroying hers. And if for some twist of fate and America votes to have her run for president, a certain senator from Arizona will destroy her "experience" record with his 25+ years in office. That's when experience counts.
But the real question is is after so many years in office does it truly help them become a better president?
Maybe we need change, and have a fresh start with someone without so many political/family/powerful ties. Maybe we should stop looking at what the name is we're voting for and you know actually do what the founding fathers wanted us to do and vote for the person that stands up for what we believe in. Forget about the ads because they distort the truth, forget about where a person came from and life story because they are pulling for your emotions, but look at what the person has done in their life and how they have done it. Look if a person has been honest in their business dealings, and if they have been honest with the people and have voted in accordance with your beliefs and theirs, and not just what seems to be popular at the time. Every person everywhere in the United States is consumed by what the media tells them: what to do, what to wear, where to go to shop, So stop and think for yourself.

1 comment:

Eric said...

I'm scared we are entering a sort of dynasty era of American politics. If Hilary were to win, we would have had either a Bush or a Clinton in office since 1992! That's 20 years!

And imagine if Jeb Bush were to the win in the next cycle? shudder...