Friday, January 4, 2008

You can't take the Bible Literally

Well I might be Catholic, but even I don't take the Bible literally. If I did all science and history would have to be thrown out the window. For example the earth would only be about 6,000 years old, and the Bible doesn't mention dinosaurs.

Well for the dinosaur part the creationism museum found a workaround, apparently dinosaurs creeped around the garden of eden. Adam and Eve must have been freaked out to see the raptors(Photo here), and T-rexes roaming around but God protected them.(If you click on the link make sure to go through the other photos, the MIT commentary is excellent.)


Kieno said...

This is such a farce!

So fossils are buried sequentially because of the flood. That supposedly explains why we have different layers. But why then, do we find fossils AND different layers in the middle of the continents?

I especially like the part where they say that species "changed" quickly after the flood by 'special tools'. So species change? Great! I think we're all in agreement then!

Lastly, the whole thing of before and after the curse just makes me think they're running out of room to argue. Saying that all animals were plant eaters before the curse and some turned carnivorous afterwards seems to draw a flaw in the infallibility of God. If he wanted all animals to be plant eaters why didn't he first create them with herbivorous teeth? Why give them teeth that could rip flesh? We can't find sharks with molars so we have to assume that they were created that way.

Well whatever, I'm preaching to the choir anyways.

Jaakonpoika said...

Ever saw figures of Dinoglyfs & Dinolits documented by man in the historical era:

Here's my critique against the current dating convention:
Biochemist, drop-out (M.Sci. Master of Sciing)