Saturday, June 28, 2008

Flash Floods Suck

So yesterday we got over 3 inches of rain in about an hour, the only problem is that it has to go somewhere. But it really went nowhere for a while, and strangely enough my first reaction was to take pictures, which you can see by clicking on my flickr widget on the right side of my page. So yes the library had a lake in front of it, and many basements in Hamtramck started to flood.

On another note, apparently when its girls night out, it also means The guys down here are going to do something a little gay. First time Girls night out, they went to the bar, we went to see a playing of Dvorak's 9th symphony at the DSO. Last night girls went out, we went to see a concert and the art at the DIA.(check out the gem of a painting in the contemporary art section) But to make up for this we always end the night at a bar so that's OK right? And yes the new bar at Wayne State is actually pretty good, and great cheap beer: $9.00 for a pitcher of Magic hat, or $2.25/pint. I like these prices, just too bad that the owners didn't think they needed to turn the air conditioning on, when its nice and humid outside.

1 comment:

Joyce said...

I rated it!!!! Cause it was time spent with you!!