Monday, June 23, 2008

Why I do not drink so much anymore

For all of the people weirded out by me recent non-drinking at bars/resturaunts here is why:

On a side note here is a list of 12 beers you should not drink when you leave college. Mike have you ever heard of Genessee Cream Ale?

(If you have not been around; for some inexplicable reason I do not have the urge to drink, I have no logical explanation for this. I still drink just not as much, or as often as before. So this might just throw a wrench in everyones idea about who the enabler is)

Now I'm congused about my non drinking looking at this sign. SO everyone help me what should I do?


Joyce said...

dude don't you do half that stuff in the study alread?!?

Sue said...
