Sunday, August 10, 2008

Can't Stop laughing

Are you afraid of being abducted by aliens, are you too looking for a way to stop them from reading your thoughts.  Then you too are crazy enough to try this.  The man who made one said ""Since trying Michael Menkin's Helmet, I have not been bothered by alien mind control. Now my thoughts are my own. I have achieved meaningful work and am contributing to society." By contributing to society do you mean you stopped slamming into the rubber padded walls in the room they keep putting you in?  Those are not aliens those are your doctors.

The entire site is just too damn funny the prototype is basically tin foil and a hat.  "
Vitamin C to kill implanted alien-hybrid embryos" "Several abductees report that aliens do not like perfume.  One abductee claims that they stopped an abduction by exposing strong cheap perfume to aliens. "When the alien's telepathic powers are neutralized by the "thought screen helmet" they do not attempt to abduct their victims. Without their telepathic power they cannot render their victims passive."

Although wouldn't tinfoil or most metals amplify a signal and not decrease it, thus rendering the hat useless.

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