Monday, July 13, 2009

Feeling a Little Better

So I wrote about a career change, and I put out my resume, and sort of applied to a couple of places just to see how it goes. So far two call backs, and an e-mail response, I'm still appreciated, and can actually change careers if I need to. I put this up last Thursday, so the response time is fairly good. I am encouraged by this but still I'm sticking it out with the library, for now.

I don't know really why I updated my resume and submitted them, but I did and it seemed to have worked to boost my spirit. Now to increase happiness where I am now, might be a little tougher but who knows.

Also if you've noticed I've been using the blog to vent/talk...a huge leap for me. I have trouble talking with people about myself, and uhhh these feelings things. I don't know why this is easier, I know who comes here and reads this, but its working. Now all I have to do is learn how to ask for help when I need it, or actually admit I need help sometimes. In the almost seven years of working at the library I've asked for help with something maybe once, everything else I try to do by myself even if I have no idea how to do it, learn on the fly nothing can go wrong right? This is something that I will have to learn how to change because the whole go it alone mentality is not working out too well, physically or mentally. Hell I've done stuff that I shouldn't have even thought of doing alone, but I had to prove to everyone I could do it. Screw that, seriously there is no need for me to prove some bull sh*t bravado crap just to prove someone wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am still applying to other jobs as well and does give you a good spirits. Im sick of the medical field and driving downtown Houston sucks! I hope you find something soon!