Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Holy Crap did this just become fun

First off whoever designed older apple computers needs to be shot, they are a pain in the ass to take apart, and even worse putting back together again. But some highlights of the dis-assembly: "Why is there grease here?", "This is disgusting," "Just give me one with a rubber." Ahhh tech support is fun sometimes, now to Macgyver it back together again, because hell if we remember where the 60 odd screws we had to take apart go.

And Re-Assembly had even better moments: Just put it in the hole, Dude I pulled out already, Is it in yet, Ok You go in through one hole I'll go through the other. There were others that I just can't remember now, and after all the crap the stupid thing no longer works, so back to work.

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