Friday, July 11, 2008


The Daschund is the most aggressive dog? Well according to the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, it sure is. Well according to their very scientific research of contacting over 6000 dog owners. The full article you have to pay for but according to Russia Today (who apparenly don't care about the license agreements) they say:
A team of zoologists from the University of Pennsylvania carried out the research. They questioned over six thousand dog owners from ten states about their pet’s behaviour and found some surprising results.

It seems the little dogs pack a lot of aggression. One in five ‘Wiener-dogs’ had either bit or tried to bite a stranger, said owners, while one in twelve at some point had dug their tiny teeth into their masters.

Dachshunds were bred as hunting dogs, with a keen sense of smell and a small frame to let them wriggle into badger dens. Traces of this predatory instinct make them more aggressive than Alsatian police dogs, placed far down the zoologists’ list.

Police reports of dog bites, in which pit bull terriers and Rottweilers often lead, would seem to contradict the research.

The reason is probably the simple embarrassment of the victims, according to the zoologists – who would go to a police station with a straight face to report being bitten by a ‘handbag dog’?


Eric said...

That right! All will fear and respect my daschund!

Kieno said...

I wonder what Cesar Milan (The Dog Whisperer) would have to say about that?

Sue said...

I think this study is flawed, I do not buy it. I do not think you can trust owners to be truthful about their dogs.

Yes, Bella, our dachsund tries to be brave but all you have to do is look at her and she runs and hides. She only play bites Bob.